Donate Today — Make a Difference!


To donate, tithe or leave a love offering to the North Glastonbury Teaching Center, please complete the form below and click the submit button. You will be redirected to the secure PayPal site.

If you do not have a PayPal Account, scroll to “Pay With Debit or Credit Card.”

After donating, you will receive two confirmation notices:

1) one from NGTC
2) one from PayPal
3) If you do not receive a confirmation from PayPal, your intended contribution did not go through.

Note: If you have a PayPal account, but choose to use our own debit or credit card for this transaction, be sure to use a “different” email address than the one used with PayPal.

It is best to use a computer, rather than a mobile device when completing this form.

Donation Form

Type only numbers.

You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your donation! If the redirect does not occur, please contact us at: